Tax Incentive 30%
KYA Αριθμ. 1007/09-01-2019 (link file PDF)
Cash Rebate 35%
Cash refund to domestic and / or foreign audiovisual production at a rate of 35% of eligible costs incurred in Greece. The production of audiovisual works supports films, documentaries, TV series, cartoons and digital games that select Greece as the place of main production and / or post-production and concerns audiovisual productions that cost at least € 100,000 and respectively € 30,000 per episode in Greece. the cultural criteria set by the legislation. The amount of Cash Rebate aid is not taxed because it is a reduction of the production cost of the project.
Ν. 4487/17 (ΦΕΚ 116/Α/9-8-2017) (link file PDF)
Ν. 4563/18 (ΦΕΚ 169/Α/20-9-2018) (link file PDF)
ΚΥΑ 128/11-12-2018 (ΦΕΚ 5810/Β/24-12-2018) (link file PDF)